Just an Idea: Staying Organized

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I just had an interesting idea, it's probably not new. In fact, something might already be out there that's exactly like this, and in my technological ignorance I haven't come across it. Anyway, although I used to be a classic example of a total screw up, around the time I started piecing my life back together I also started to keep a calender. Coincidence? Maybe. But I was at work and there was some program up, don't really know what it was but it was just your average monthly calender. After screwing around for a while, I found I could manipulate the format into whatever I wanted it to be. I made it a 2x3 six square thing with each square being a day of the week (the last two in one square). Next to it I put a task pad with little check boxes in it, and under than a small space for extra notes. I figured out that you can put the dates in the header of the page, the week # at the bottom, and I just put my name, footy, and my number in case I lost it. oh and the quarter. I printed out 12 weeks (the quarter) and put it all in a little folder thing. BAM I had a cheap-as-free planner, technology free. Whenever I get an assignment I pen it in there, whenever I have an event I pen it in there.
So back to the class, I was thinking there should be something similar online. Yeah there's the application I used, but it doesn't take advantage of the only thing I like about computers: The internet. How nice to have a planner accessible from any computer, anywhere. For someone like me, who's job revolves around computers, I could access it whenever I would need to. And for studnets like all of us, the library has computers, there's a computer lab at school. If you're in this class, there's a way for you to get online steadily. I'm not talking anything fancy, that kind of stuff confuses me. I remember getting a palm pilot for free for test driving a mercedes, but it was just too complicated. I want something as simple to set up as this blog, that I can just click on a day square or task bar, type in what needs doing, and check it/cross it off when it's finished. I guess the downside is portability, but I have my physical one for that. I don't know, I just feel that an ePlanner or whatever you would call it has a place in society. If any of you know of such a thing, I probably have sounded like a total biggot for the last paragraph, but please, please let me know what it is in my comment box. Consequently, if anyone knows how to spell check, that would be appreciated too.
Oh P.S., the parking situation at footy is not ok. It's really not ok. Be thankful for online classes.
I use iCal that came with my iBook. I've only briefly searched around in it but I think there may be a way to upload it onto the web for other people to see and for me to see online as well but I'm not totally sure about that.
Also, there are more and more online calendars that come with getting a yahoo/hotmail/other email account.
I've had a hard time with calendars too because my calendar is on my computer and I try on Sunday nights to print out the coming week's schedule. But my problem is that if I need to set up an appointment or something a couple weeks from then I don't have anything other than just my week calendar with me! I don't want this to come out the wrong way, but I like knowing that other people have problems with getting the right calendars. I like that you decided to just make your own!
Haha it didn't come out the wrong way. I tried using those free planners that highschools used to pass out, but I just felt a lot of space was irrelevant or the whole thing was too complicated for my small mind to handle. I wanted something really simple, that just basically had boxes with dates on them for miles. I looked it up and it turns out I used Outlook, which any Microsoft thing should have (?) Good luck with yours. By the way I'm going to get rid of this word verifcation thing, it's weak.
I know it's not exactly what you're talking about here, Andrew, but you might want to check out my post in my Eportfolios Research blog about how timelines could be used to structure an ePortfolo. You can find it at http://mindsurfing.typepad.com/eportfolios/2005/12/eportfolio_time.html
Andrew, you commented on my blog saying that it looks really nice, thanks! The way to change your template is to go to your blog and then click the button 'Template' and if you scroll down in the HTML looking for sidebar you'll probably find it almost at the end of your template and then you can add links and things. It's hard to explain but if you like messing around with your template then it's fun, but if you get annoyed easily at something not working (which I usually do) then it's pretty hard to do!
I'm commenting on this post a third time but I found this through someone's del.icio.us site and I remembered you and your little piece of paper organizer! If you want to check this out, here's the link: http://www.pocketmod.com/
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