What's going on?

I reviewed my blog and it actually looks pretty sweet. I like the parchment kind of feel, makes me come off as ... well, I don't really know what it makes me come off as, but I like it. I don't get what we are doing with these, maybe we'll find out as time goes on? Is a blog the same as an ePortfolio??? Or are we doing that later? Surfing around on other people's blogs leaves me with the impression that this is more of a self-publishing magazine. I think that's great, although it has little to do with what I thought an ePortfolio was. The internet has made it so any random shmoe (i.e. me) can be a published journalist. I think it was a blogger that exposed some big scandal way back, can't remember what, although I probably should. Anyway, glad to see that this is all working out. I might try to add an image to my next post. Actually, why don't I try that now? Hey you know what a good suggestion is... we should submit any written assignments for classes and stuff in a blog like this. The teacher could see the posting time, and the student's would have all their assignments easily accessible and archived. Plus other people could read essays etc. Well, maybe people don't want to be so exposed. That's another thing with the internet, too easy to be over exposed. Maybe I'll put up some of my essays that I'm proud of. Oh, for that picture... I'm at work right now so I don't know what this picture is. Hope it isn't obscene. Oh, that is very cute.
Hey Andrew, congrats on your first few posts. Although you didn't explain what the lab rat was doing there (is that supposed to be you in my class, or what)?
Aha, and I see you're already figuring out how/why blogs might be useful in an educational context--which is, after all, pretty much the whole point of the course.
That and the infinite mystery of motivation (which I hope you'll find in my other "comments" on your other posts, although I don't see any sign of them yet....hmmmmm....hope I'm posting this correctly. Or maybe you have one of those blogs that requires comments to be 'approved' before being visible to the entire planet?
Actually, the creature in the picture is a Hamster, and I thought that his befuddled expression perfectly portrayed what I was feeling as I started up one of these. He looks confused but eager, a little apprehensive but very open. But you know, the lab rat idea works just as well ;-) Nope, I think you can only see comments if you click on the comment or if you actually go to the post. Other than that, this blog is free to comment on and read. Well that was my intention anyway...
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