The Mystery

I realized that it might seem pretty insane that I've already started this. Let me first say, I'm not the kind of studet who usually does things 2-3 weeks in advance, although I'd like to be. Actually, I'm at work all break from 9-5 everyday, and there is not a single thing to do. I'm actually eagerly anticipating the start of the quarter, I hate waiting for things. So for now, I'm checking out my only online class (this one) and finding out as much as possible. I'm scared that everyone has a Xanga or Myspace or something already, and I'll be the only one sitting around twidling my thumbs and wondering what's going on. Well not I, at least for this assignment. My posts my be completely irradic and not at all what is being asked for, but rambling eats up the time and I'm actually getting a kick out of this. In fact, I'm going to put up another image from this computer and ramble about it. This pic is of a Cranwell's Horned Frog, also known as the Pacman Frog. They come in yellow too, but those are albino. They're called pacman because they are pretty much a huge circular frog (max diameter 8") that does nothing but eat. They eat insects, other frogs, mice, baby chicks, fish... Whatever moves. I personally find them hilarious, and have one as a pet that isn't nearly as big...yet. Oh, it's almost 5 o' clock so let's wrap this up. Have a nice day.
Andrew, I'm really love the title of this post, as well as the subject matter.
First because the well-springs of motivation are indeed the greatest "mystery" in education.
Second, because as you point out, the fact that you're working on this assignment already shows that blogs might indeed help -- at least in some cases -- with giving students some new "motivation" in school.
Third because you're letting yourself "ramble" and go off on tangents already -- a process I myself call "mindsurfing." Which can lead to some really surprising insights, if you let it.
However, in this case, you never did quite explain what pacman frog has to do with anything. For example, it seems like a potentially amazing metaphor for education -- or for you perhaps.
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