Traditional Education

I'm a big fan of alternative education. I'm a mellow guy, but my attention span isn't really one that shows mercy to anything I don't care about. In classes that I know I should pay attention but don't want to, I just don't. It seems like schooling these days is always preparing you for a test or another class. Very little that you learn in school is actually learned. How often do you hear kids complain, "Where would I ever use this in the real world?" Well a lot of times backin elementary school, a class could be about learning more than what the subject of the class is. Not anymore. Maybe it's just me, but for subject I don't care about, I try as hard as i can to retain enough information for long enough in order to regurgitate it onto a test paper and come out with a decent grade. For classes I like, I have no problem listening for hours and really learning. These classes come few and far between. That's why I enjoy projects, activities, trips... anything out of the ordinary. I would even rather have a research paper than a lame test recapping what happened in the last chapter of the Book of No One Cares. I'm the kind of person who learns better when I have to make it up for myself, if you hand it to me I'll just rely on you for more.
Blogs might help in the sense that it's something you navigate through. You go as deep as you feel like or just go over the surface to get a glance. The negative side is if it's really boring or a very difficult subject to master, a blog explaining things might not be enough.